Have you ever got into a situation where your close friends are chatting about some topics that you are really really really good at. And you realise they are sharing the wrong information with each other. How do you correct them without ruining your relationship?

In sharing information, we have a responsibility…to be right!

As happy as I am when people tell me they would only purchase a product if they see me using it on social media, I also get worried.

What if I make a mistake in my recommendations?

 It got me thinking about what happens in the shopping scenario after visiting a cosmetic counter for a consultation or getting tips at a makeup lesson?

 Listening to my friends they were saying they don’t have time to go for a consultation, and the BAs are too pretty in any case, and they feel intimidated when they are told they haven’t been using the products correctly.

OMG… So even if they think they might be making mistakes, they are still afraid of shopping in a store for a change.

It also happened to me one time when I forgot to apply mascara at home –  I bought a new one to use straight away.

At the counter, (maybe I was rushing too much and gave off the wrong vibe) after I took it out of packaging, I plumped the mascara wand in and out, in and out (without thinking what I was doing)…the BA watched me doing so and said ‘you shouldn’t do that’.

I was then given a full lecture about how to keep air and bacteria out of a mascara tube while I was trying to focus zigzagging the mascara wand in the mirror, before running late.

Sounds like I should really be grateful for getting a free lesson rather than feeling disgruntled at the ‘lecture’.

However, I never revisited her (for another mascara which I do replace every couple of weeks).

I even switched to another brand.

How to correct people without offending them?

 It can happen anywhere in a work place, whether with a client or a colleague.

Feeling like correcting someone’s error is a kindness, right?

Remember, while attempting to fix someone else’s mistakes, you are an expert, not a jerk.

But there’s a way of doing it.


Firstly, avoid doing it in front of others.

Secondly, always give honest praise to start with.

Everyone loves a compliment.

This will encourage the person to take your criticism in a more constructive way.

You can also ask questions such as ‘who showed you?’ or ‘where did you learn this from?’

You may be surprised how often people are misled by social media or ‘google’.

It’s not necessarily because they were given the wrong information, it might also be the result of rushing while browsing the content, not fully concentrating or being present, and missing out some important points.

Admitting your own mistakes and sharing your experiences will most likely bring the other person closer.

Unless it makes us feel special, most of us wouldn’t want to feel like we are the only one not ‘in the know’.

A flaw doesn’t necessarily make one a bad person.

Even when it is a big deal, focus on the error itself rather than the person.

Just because it’s your area of expertise, doesn’t mean it is everyone’s.

What’s more important is that your recipient finds a motive to make a change after all.

Do you want a new friend or a new enemy?

Trying to help can sometimes create trouble.

So next time when you are trying to correct someone’s big or small mistake, do it in a way that will not create resentment.

Be humble and gracious.

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