October 26, 2020 all-day
Ovolo Woolloomooloo

BEAUTY & SPA Insiders is brought to you by Australia’s leading B2B magazines for the aesthetics industry and esprit’s sister publications: SPA+CLINIC and Professional Beauty.

Bringing together industry experts for a day of inspiring talks, innovative ideas, and engaging conversations, the summit will help you take your beauty business to the next level.

Introducing a fresh format that aims to spark dialogue and motivate change, curated sessions will keep you ahead of the game in this ever-changing beauty landscape.

Industry professionals such as salon/spa/clinic owners and managers, cosmetic nurses, clinicians and beauty therapists can look forward to leaving with new ideas and plans as well as new connections.

Don’t miss out on being part of the BEAUTY & SPA Insiders on October 26, 2020 at Ovolo Woolloomooloo.

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