Whenever you accept a job, you will be given a title. Then you are assigned with a list of tasks. This list may ‘define’ who you will be in this position. Is that it? Are you happy with just being a BA, a counter manager, a makeup artist, a field coach, etc?

Take myself as an example explaining my above mindset. When I first started my BA role at counter, I didn’t think my goal was just fulfilling my target. I never felt ticking boxes in my mind at the end of the day was enough. Alternatively, I reflected by asking ‘what else I delivered to people was valuable today?’ Working for a certain company, I saw myself as the brand ambassador from Day 1 at counter. As a Chinese living in Australia, I wanted to build a bridge between my clients and Chinese culture. Looking back at my successes (and my failures) in retail and being a makeup artist, I thank myself for forcing me to act in various roles beyond achieving my KPIs. Those ‘roles’ were like invisible halos. I wanted to shine.

I don’t mean to encourage you to act arrogantly, talking about yourself all the time or ‘showing off’ how much more you know about skincare or makeup. Don’t make things up either. What I suggest is we all take some time to find our strengths and potentials.

I know who I am, and I want them to know too – by showing people I am more than what my job title identifies, or defines, me as. Doing so, people will have more interest in spending time with you! You will also be self-motivated to grow.

Do you think handing out spray cards at a fragrance counter is a tough job? How about: Take some time to smell the fragrance again? Even just one minute, allowing yourself to ‘have a moment’ with it. Close your eyes, ask yourself once again how do you feel? Bright? Sophisticated? Romantic? Great, you are building your own connection with it. Next is to think that you are an ‘angel’. Yes, don’t laugh. You are the angel, holding that bottle of fragrance, passing a spray card to a stranger’s hand – the angel of making that person feel exactly how you felt about the scent. You are the angel, building a similar connection you had with the fragrance! Trust me, that person, can totally feel it. You and I all know a fragrance can change mood. An angel does that too.

You might think I am joking. All I want to say is, we should think ourselves being more than who we are. If you want to link-sell one more mascara to each client today. Be a ‘Mascara Queen’ for a day, and share your mascara application tips with every client confidently – like a queen. If you are asked to tidy up the ‘backroom’, be a ‘Clean Master’ for a few hours. I understand not everyone loves cleaning. Being that clean master, you will find the hours pass much quicker. Brainwash yourself! Why not? It’s much better than being brainwashed by someone else.

Work should be joyful. Everyday should be joyful. I don’t like being defined by people. I believe it is me deciding who I am. While I did use a lot of cosmetic floor examples in this article, I also want to remind you, this could also apply to your life. Nobody can tell you who you truly are except yourself. Believe in who you are. What else you can be? What else you can bring? And that’s how we grow!

Who do you think you are today? You are the better you!
Let’s chat
Remember I am writing this column each issue in esprit Magazine Australia for 2019. If there’s anything you’d like me to write about, don’t hesitate to message me on Instagram: @icybutterfly. There…you can help me to decide on the topic for the next column.

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