In the vibrant world of public relations, few stories are as compelling as that of Lucy Brooks, the visionary Founder and Director of Little Bird PR (LBPR). Retail Beauty sits down for a lively chat with Lucy, delving into the sparkling story of LBPR, from its ambitious beginnings in 2014 to its celebrated status in the beauty arena today.

What inspired you to start LBPR in 2014, and how has your vision evolved over the past 10 years?

Well, for a start there is nothing like having two children under two to make you re-evaluate your career path!  Jokes and realities aside, I saw a gap in the market and there were very few agencies at the time that were truly specialising in managing PR for beauty brands.  This is a sector that I am also super passionate about – actually that’s an understatement, I am a complete beauty junkie and have been since I was a teenager! I have extensive knowledge and experience in this space, and it’s also where my long standing and personal relationships with the editors, journalists and influencers are.  I knew I could bring this all together to create a truly bespoke, unrivalled service for brands.

Over the past decade, the agency’s vision has evolved to encompass not only beauty but also wellness and lifestyle sectors. We’ve also embraced the on-going digital transformations, aligning our strategies with the evolving needs and values of our clients and the brands we work with.

Can you share some of the biggest challenges you faced in these 10 years and how you overcame them?

Like any small business, we’ve encountered challenges, from healthy competition to economic downturns–thanks Covid-19–but by staying adaptable, fostering strong relationships with clients and the media, and continually innovating our approach, I’ve been able to navigate these hurdles and emerge stronger than ever.

Working with brands like Procter & Gamble and Unilever early in your career, how did these experiences shape your approach at LBPR?

I feel so privileged to have been able to work and collaborate with these beauty industry giants so early on in my career.  It taught me the importance of strategic thinking, effective communication, and meticulous attention to detail. These experiences instilled a client-centric mindset from the get-go for me and a commitment to delivering exceptional always on results.  Something of which continues to drive my overarching approach at LBPR.

Also, funnily enough one of my old clients at P&G has gone on to co found a brand which we now represent, so I built some amazing connections back then that have come full circle!

How do you think the industry has evolved since you started your career?

The industry has undergone significant transformations, particularly with the rise of digital and social media platforms – let’s just say when I started out, we sent all press releases via post and all pitching, and all follow up was done via phone or we took it in turns to dial up to the internet and send a few emails a day! There has also of course been a notable shift towards sustainability, diversity, and authenticity which reflects the ever-changing consumer needs and values.

Looking back, which LBPR campaign are you most proud of, and why?

Gosh, not sure I could pinpoint one over the years to be honest as we’re always so proud of the results we achieve for our clients and the brands we work with.  But working with the likes of global beauty brand Flower Beauty and securing the founder Drew Barrymore for a front cover of Gritty Pretty is definitely a highlight.  As is launching global haircare brands Oribe and Kristin Ess into Australia, and currently being part of the continued growth of cult SPF brand Airyday and Dermal Therapy in becoming one of Australia’s fastest growing skincare brands.  It’s always so exciting to work on brands that you just know the media are going to love!

What’s your approach to building and maintaining successful client relationships?

I have always prioritised open communication and ensured that I’m approachable, transparent, and honest. I have a deep understanding of clients’ objectives and pain points which has resulted in amazing long-term partnerships built on trust and mutual success.

I know it’s sometimes my downfall, but as a founder it’s hard to switch off!  I’m always thinking about opportunities for our clients. I’m easily accessible, reliable and I always go over and above every time which I know our clients love and appreciate.

How do you foster a positive and productive work environment at LBPR?

As well as my team, I’m lucky enough to share my office space with another amazing small business and a very close friend and her three employees, so the LBPR working environment has a fun and upbeat vibe most days which means everyone just enjoys coming into work.

Don’t get me wrong, we work hard for our clients, but I don’t sweat the small stuff as life is too short.  I just want to execute really great work because I truly love what I do, but I want to have a good laugh along the way, so this definitely helps with office productivity and positivity.   As they say, love what you do, and you’ll never work a day in your life!

I also foster a culture of round table collaboration, creativity, and continuous day to day support and learning – as a small team, I am so committed to teaching them everything I know and always being available for them and this ensures they feel valued and motivated to excel.  Their personal growth is so paramount to me.

Since Covid-19, I also saw the appreciation of offering more flexible working hours and the benefits of working from home or out of the office, and I won’t change that for the foreseeable future.  I know offering this only has a positive impact on our commitment to our clients and the standard of work we deliver never changes, so work/life balance is super important to me and my team.

What emerging trends do you foresee in beauty, wellness, and lifestyle PR?

There will be a greater emphasis on sustainability, personalisation, and authenticity, as well as continued integration of digital technologies such as AI and AR. Influencer marketing will also remain a powerful tool, but with a focus on more genuine connections and authentic meaningful storytelling.

What advice would you give to those starting their careers in PR, particularly in the beauty sector?

Embrace every opportunity to learn, network, and hone your skills. Stay informed about industry trends, consumer wants and desires, and emerging technologies. And most importantly, be open to learning every day, listen and take on board feedback given to you by someone that has more experience, be passionate, adaptable, and always strive to be the best you can be in everything you do.

How do you plan to celebrate LBPR’s 10th anniversary, and what’s next for the agency?

We’re planning a little creative thank you send out to our amazing clients and media friends that have been our loyal and fierce supporters from day one. I know my team love a spicy marg, so no doubt we’ll be heading out for one of those soon too! Looking ahead, I will be focusing on expanding our service offerings, fostering our long-term international client partnerships, and further solidifying our position as a leader in beauty, wellness, and lifestyle PR and I can’t wait to see what lies ahead!

Read the current issue of our digital magazine below:

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